Know Your Brew – Iced Coffee or Cold Brew

Coffee’s not just about brewing a hot drink – although we can’t deny the comfort a hot cup of coffee can bring, we’re also big fans of a cold cup – be it an Iced Americano, or a glass of Cold Brew. But do you know the difference between a cup of Iced Coffee and a Cold Brew – or do you just pick the first cold option on a menu?

Like so many varieties of coffee, at their heart both variations have the same make up – coffee and cold. But that’s about where the similarities end.

Iced Coffee is pretty much your normal barista brew (Americano, Latte) but left to cool down before being served over ice. An Iced Americano for example is a normal shot of double espresso, poured over ice and topped up with cold water. The addition of the ice cubes does dilute the drink, but you can add another shot if you want to make sure you’re still getting that kick. Due to the nature of the espresso cooling before hitting the ice, it’s possible that the iced coffee you’re getting at your local coffee shop may have been made some hours before.

Cold Brew Takes Time …

And there’s the difference. Cold Brew never sees hot water – it is quite literally brewed cold. And it takes preparation – it’s not a quick drink; unless you’re buying it remade – and there are some great options in supermarkets and coffee shops.

With Cold Brew you take ground coffee and steep it in cold water for a minimum of 12 hours (we tend to go for 24). Then filter out the grounds and you’re ready to pour. What’s more it will last you up to two weeks if stored in a sealed container.

With Cold Brew you can choose how strong to make it – you can up the coffee ratio and come out with a strong concentrate that you dilute to taste, or you can brew yours ready to drink. It’s completely in your hands.

As it takes time to extract the coffee goodness, rather than heat, the results tend to produce a drink with a less acidic and less bitter taste than an Iced Americano. 

Obviously it’s a case of personal preference – and time – but we’re big fans of Cold Brew as a drink throughout the year – and there’s nothing better than opening the fridge to see a big bottle of Cold Brew ready to pour straight into a glass. Depending on how big a habit you have – here are some great options to help you along the way:

2 thoughts on “Know Your Brew – Iced Coffee or Cold Brew”

  1. Pingback: Know Your Brew - The Perfect Espresso Martini - Roasted and Brewed

  2. Pingback: The Best Coffee Grinders - Roasted and Brewed

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