Know Your Brew – Latte or Cappuccino … What’s the Difference?

Two of the most popular choices of espresso based drinks  – but do you know your Latte from your Cappuccino .. and do you know when to drink them?

We’ve always heard that Italians don’t drink a Cappuccino after 11am, but it turns out that’s true of a Latte as well – milky coffee drinks are very much reserved for breakfast in Italy, with an espresso (or just a caffe) the choice for later in the day. Milky coffee, paired with a pastry, is often the Italian breakfast of choice – with milk generally seen as too heavy to have later in the day.

Texture is key …

Both a Cappuccino and a Latte have the same features – espresso, steamed milk, and foam, but it’s the ratio that makes the difference … and, in our experience, the chocolate sprinkles although I don’t think that’s an authentic point of difference!

Cappuccinos are traditionally made up of one part espresso, to one part steamed milk, to one part think foam. You might even come out with a milk moustache if the foam’s thick enough.

A Latte (or Caffe Latte) is, as its name suggests, much more milky than other espresso drinks. Traditionally a latte is one part espresso, to 4 parts steamed milk, topped off with a thin later of microfoam.

So if you want to really taste the coffee – go for a Cappuccino as the espresso is less diluted than in a Latte, but if you’re looking for a drink to savour, opt for a Latte .. although if you’re in Italy you’re asking for a Caffe Latte, or you may just end up with a glass of milk.


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